Using food play to tackle fussy eating

You may have heard the old saying – ‘you shouldn’t play with food’. Well, Chief Nutrition Officer Mandy Sacher is turning this on its head, encouraging our little Champs to incorporate food into their play! Children learn about their world through play, it encourages them to be curious, ask questions, learn cause and effect, and...

10 ways to reset your family’s gut health

After the festive season, it’s common to want to kickstart your family’s health and introduce healthier foods back into their daily routine. Often the foods we choose most while on vacation or celebrating, such as sugar, salt, and processed foods, can play havoc on our gut health – and research continues to show that gut...

Why Are Sight Words Important for Reading and Writing?

Reading and writing well from young set a core foundation for your child. Whether it’s recognising the right alphabet or pronouncing a word correctly, the literacy development your child experiences plays a vital role in how they perform later in life. When we delve into the nitty-gritty of this phase, we find various facets that...

Understanding Your Child’s Personality Type and Behaviour

All of us are born with a distinct personality type and unique characteristics. Understanding and knowing your child’s personality type can be very helpful in guiding them and nurturing them as they grow. It may even help you spot behavioural problems early on and nip them in the bud.  Every child has a unique personality...

5 Ways To Nurture Your Child’s Love For Reading

Knowing how to read is vital to a child’s future learning success. It sets the stage for proficient oral communication and also makes it easier for him or her to understand what’s happening around. We all know the importance of reading – but did you know that early literacy skills are also essential in behavioural...

Nurturing a Love for Literacy in the Early Years

What is early childhood literacy? Contrary to what we understand, early literacy is beyond teaching children how to read. It is instead, equipping young learners with the skills to nurture a love for reading and eventually become proficient readers. Prior to learning how to read through word recognition and fluency, children should first develop fundamental...

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