How To Help Your Child Study Effectively

While your child may enjoy going to school and doing their homework every night, this does not necessarily translate into the academic gains and grades you and your child want to see. Hence, parents can help crack the code of learning by building effective study skills in their children instead of getting them to do...

5 Pedagogies Parents Must Know

Every parent wants to ensure their children get the best education possible. While there are many preschool curriculums to choose from in Singapore, it is important to understand that different children learn in different ways and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education. What is pedagogy and why is it important? Pedagogy is the art and science...

5 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Reading Fluency

For many early readers, reading fluency can prove to be a challenge. Fluency refers to the ability to read out loud at an appropriate pace with accuracy and intonation. While the importance of reading fluency only becomes more apparent in the later years, it is never too early to prepare your child for reading success. ...

Preparing for PSLE Chinese Exam: 4 Success Tips

For many students in Singapore, the prospect of learning Chinese and taking the PSLE Chinese exam fills them with dread and anxiety. This due partly to Singapore being a predominantly English-speaking society, resulting in a lack of opportunities to get acquainted with the Chinese language. Nonetheless, there are steps you can take to help your...

4 Creative Ways To Encourage Sharing From The Early Years

While children are young, it is important to teach them the importance of sharing. Not only is sharing a kind and generous act, it also helps to promote compassion and foster relationships from an early age. When your child starts to share with others, they learn to cooperate, compromise, and consider the needs of others. ...

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