What’s the right age to start preschool education?

It’s a question every parent of a young child wrestles with at some point: what is the right age to start preschool education in Singapore? For some children, attending preschool is a great way to learn how to socialise and prepare for the rigours of kindergarten and beyond. For others, starting preschool too early can...

Learning How To Write In Preschool – The MindChamps Way

Isn’t it always a proud moment to watch our children pick up a pencil and write? The secret ingredient? We’d say it’s constant nurturing. At MindChamps PreSchool, our writing curriculum is designed to develop your child’s literacy, so they go on to be both avid writers and readers. We achieve this through a research-led pedagogical...

4 Preschool Transition Tips For Parents In SG

Enrolling in preschool is a major milestone for children in Singapore, and as parents you’ll want to ensure that the transition goes as smoothly as possible. Whether they’re attending preschool for the first time or moving up a grade from nursery to kindergarten, changes to their daily schedules can cause distress. Young children often do...

Imagination Benefits: Why It Matters In Preschool Learning

It’s no secret that preschoolers have active imaginations. From pretend games to make-believe worlds, they are constantly dreaming up new ways to play and explore. While it may seem like simple fun and games, imagination has many benefits and plays a critical role in early childhood learning. What Is Imagination Imagination is the ability to...

Structuring the Reggio Emilia Approach

Founded by Loris Malaguzzi, the Reggio Emilia Approach is a popular pedagogy for early childhood education that features numerous attractive benefits. Originating in Reggio Emilia, Italy, following the destruction caused by World War II, the Reggio Emilia Approach is a child-centred educational movement designed primarily for infants to preschool children. At the centre of this...

What Is Emotional Literacy And Why Is It Important?

Defined as the ability to understand, express, and cope with a wide spectrum of emotions, emotional literacy lies at the heart of happiness, self-esteem, and above all, positive relationships.  Nurturing emotional literacy brings about long-term benefits for children. Some of them include:  Learning to self-calm and regulate their emotions Developing resiliency, allowing them to respond...

How to raise an eloquent child that speaks confidently?

It is no secret that communication is key in every aspect of life. Anyone who has ever been tongue-tied in front of an audience knows the importance of being able to speak well. Whether it is expressing desires to a loved one or relaying information at work, the ability to communicate effectively can make all...

5 Ways To Build Early Literacy That Aren’t Storytelling

Early literacy refers to the fundamental basics that children need to know before they learn how to read or write. This includes: Vocabulary Letter knowledge Phonological awareness Print awareness Narrative skills Print motivation There are many benefits of improving your child’s early language and literacy skills. Early literacy helps your child in processing information, drawing...

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