5 Tips To Prepare For Primary 6 PSLE Science Exams

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a major national examination that determines which secondary school a student will attend. As a milestone for all primary 6 students in Singapore, it also marks the end of their primary school education journey and signals the start of their secondary school life. A key component of the...

How to Prepare for PSLE English Oral Examinations

One of the most important skills that a student in Singapore should develop is the ability to communicate effectively. This is why the primary school leaving examinations (PSLE) place a significant emphasis on oral communication skills, to test students on their ability to communicate clearly and accurately in an interactive setting. Furthermore, the oral examination...

3 Types of Problem Sums To Master Before The Math PSLE Paper

Often making headlines, Singapore’s Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) Mathematics paper is known to be a challenging one. There are many types of questions students may encounter during PSLE math preparation. Out of the two papers, however, students typically struggle the most with problem sum questions in Paper Two, especially when they involve multiple steps. Every question requires a...

3 Tips To Ace Composition Writing In School

As your Champ heads to primary school, their curriculum will expand to include more subjects, with one of them being the English language. In the primary school English language syllabus, students are tested for their literacy and comprehension skills.  Because English is the primary medium of instruction for all other subjects, it’s important for Champs...

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